
This guide is for v4.6 and later for the recorder and for use with Azure RTOS ThreadX version 6.0 or later. The instructions assumes that GCC and make are used, but the setup can be replicated with other tools. Contact if you need help with this.

  1. Copy the files into your project. The folder structure is a bit different depending on if the code is copied from the Tracealyzer installation directory or from the official git repository.

    • If the code is copied from the installation directory of Tracealyzer all files should be copied from the selected RTOS folder and the include and config subfolders.

    • If the code is copied from the git repository all c and h files should be copied into your project from the folders described below.

    Git folder structure.
     /kernelports/selected RTOS
     /kernelports/selected RTOS/config
     /kernelports/selected RTOS/include

    File structure with every h file in one config and one include folder.

  2. Make sure to add the path to the h files to the compiler’s “include paths” so the compiler can find them. This step is different depending on your development environment.


    Include options for an project in STM32CubeIDE.

  3. In trcConfig.h set TRC_CFG_HARDWARE_PORT to the architecture used. For some hardware ports you need to #include the processor header file by replacing the row #error "Trace Recorder: Please include your processor's header file here and remove this line.". If the error line is removed and your project compiles, the header file isn’t needed. All available hardware ports can be found at the bottom of trcDefines.h.


    An example with a STM32 L4 Cortex-M device.

  1. In trcKernelPortConfig.h set TRC_CFG_CPU_CLOCK_HZ to the frequency used by the timer used for time stamping in the hardware port.


    Configure the CPU frequency used in ThreadX

  2. Include trcRecorder.h at the end of tx_api.h and enable TX_ENABLE_EVENT_TRACE either in tx_user.h (make sure TX_INCLUDE_USER_DEFINE_FILE is defined) or by a compiler flag.


    trcRecorder.h included at the end of tx_api.h

  3. Call xTraceEnable() with the selected option at the top of the tx_application_define function. The arguments that can be used with xTraceEnable() are TRC_START this starts the tracing directly this should be used in snapshot mode or streaming when no input from a host computer is needed, the next option is TRC_START_AWAIT_HOST this is used for streaming and will block until a start command are received from the host. The last option is TRC_START_FROM_HOST, this is used from streaming and will wait for a start command from the host computer to start tracing but this option is none blocking.


    xTraceEnable called at the top of tx_application_define.


    Step 4 and 5 looks a bit different depending on the IDE used. The below example is from STM32CubeIDE. For now only GCC is supported with this method.

  4. In the project settings, add the following preprocessor definition: __inside_$(notdir $(basename $(@))). This creates a preprocessor definition like __inside_myfile based on the currently compiled .c file.


    The preprocessor symbol that needs to be set.

  5. Add -include trcCTI.h in the GCC build flags. This will implicitly include trcCTI.h in every .c file. The purpose of trcCTI.h is to reroute the ThreadX API calls to the corresponding functions in trcCTI.c, that contain the event instrumentation.


    The flag to include trcCTI.h in all files.

  6. Configure the project for snapshot or streaming as described below.

Snapshot Trace

In snapshot tracing, trace data is stored in a local RAM buffer on the target device that can later be read from the host. The recorder can be configured to either stop or overwrite the start when the buffer becomes full.

  1. Copy the files from the RingBuffer folder, located in the streamports folder, into your project. Make sure to include all .c files and the header files from the Config and Include folders.

  2. For FreeRTOS make sure TRC_CFG_RECORDER_MODE is set to TRC_RECORDER_MODE_STREAMING in trcKernelPortConfig.h. As of v4.6 this is the default mode, and despite its name it supports both streaming and snapshots.

  3. For streamport-specific settings see trcStreamPortConfig.h

    • TRC_CFG_STREAM_PORT_BUFFER_SIZE decides the size of the trace buffer that is stored in RAM.


Now the project should compile and write data to the ring buffer, from which snapshots can be taken when the target is halted.

Note that the “Snapshot Mode” mentioned in trcKernelPortConfig.h (TRC_RECORDER_MODE_SNAPSHOT) refers to a legacy solution that is limited to snapshot tracing only. This mode is deprecated and is no longer recommended for new projects.

The default and recommended setting is “Streaming Mode” which allows for both streaming and snapshot tracing by selecting different stream ports. The RingBuffer stream port provides snapshot tracing support.

Reading a snapshot

There are a few ways to read a snapshot. More information is found in the Tracealyzer User Manual and also in some of the vendor-specific guides found on the main Getting Started page (e.g. for STM32CubeIDE, IAR and Keil).

For convenience we provide two examples below - the Percepio plugins for Eclipse and MPLAB X IDE. But basically you can use any method to save the contents of your RAM buffer to a .hex or .bin file, and then simply open that file in Tracealyzer.

The Eclipse plugin can be found on Eclipse Marketplace. This plugin will work for most versions of Eclipse. After the plugin has been installed the Percepio option can be found in the toolbar. To save a snapshot, start a debugging session, halt the application and then select Percepio -> Save Snapshot.


The preference menu for the Percepio plugin.

The MPLAB x plugin can be downloaded here then it can be installed following these instructions. To save a snapshot first open the Tracealyzer plugin by going to Tools -> Embedded -> Tracealyzer Export Plugin. Then start a debugging session, halt it, and press the “Save Trace” button.


A view of the MPLAB X plugin.


Streaming is a method where trace data are offloaded from the target continuously, this means that a streaming trace can run for hours or even days depending on the setup. The different streaming methods included can be found in the stream ports folder. If there are no stream ports available that work with the target and/or application a custom stream port can be made, as long as an interface with high enough bandwidth is used.

Follow the below steps to integrate a stream port:

  1. Copy the files from the selected stream port into the project.


The different stream ports that are included.

  1. For FreeRTOS make sure TRC_CFG_RECORDER_MODE is set to TRC_RECORDER_MODE_STREAMING in trcKernelPortConfig.h.

  2. For stream port specific settings see trcStreamPortConfig.h

Now the project should compile and streaming can be started using the selected interface.