The definition of observability is “the ability to measure the internal states of a system by examining its outputs”. For software systems, this means the ability to get detailed diagnostic data from the software during operation.
When developing embedded software, observability is usually only used reactively, for example during subsequent debugging or through log analysis. It is high time for a proactive approach that is able to catch even sporadic errors early on.
One IoT edge device manufacturer has chosen to preemptively safeguard their products by implementing Percepio DevAlert, a cloud-based observability solution for monitoring IoT edge devices in real time.
The right tooling and practices around continuous observability is the developer’s seatbelt for software crashes, and can save you from a lot of pain down the road.
Tracealyzer 4.9 brings improved support for LynxOS-178®, the standards-based RTOS for safety-critical real-time applications from Lynx Software Technologies.
By adding software functionality for continuous observability in a device, diagnostic data can be provided over any I/O interfaces, such as a local UART connection in the test lab or a cloud connection in the field.
A few months ago, Andreas Lifvendahl was appointed CEO of Percepio with the brief to accelerate innovation and guide the company through the next stage of growth.
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