Percepio Detect™

Verify system stability and detect hidden risks

Simplify Debugging and Develop Faster

Percepio Detect™ is the new addition to Percepio’s portfolio of continuous edge observability tools, building on more than a decade of insights and experience. With Detect, Percepio bridges the siloed views in development, test and maintenance of deployed products.

Percepio Detect is optimized for use during testing of RTOS-based embedded systems, providing deep observability for advanced profiling, system verification and crash debugging.

Capture full debugging information on crashes and errors. Collect performance metrics and use it as baseline for automatic anomaly detection on the device. Monitor key performance requirements, including software timing properties, stack usage and more.

Solve stability issues on the very first occurrence, without needing to reproduce them in your debugger. Debugging data is collected automatically when an issue is detected. This may include Tracealyzer traces, device logs, performance metrics and core dumps for code-level debugging. You can choose to only collect data on errors/crashes, or systematically collect data on each test case, or even collect data periodically during longer tests.

The monitoring runs “stand-alone” on the device and is designed to work on production hardware without debug ports. You only need a basic device connection, like a serial port or Ethernet. It does not require continuous data transfer to any host computer or server.

The collected data is stored in the Detect Server database for seamless information sharing and collaboration within the entire team. The dashboard lets you view current issues and debugging data with a single click.

Collaborate for Faster Progress and Superior Quality

Percepio Detect is a collaboration tool with a shared database and dashboard, running on a private server in your network. This makes it easy to share debugging data between team members, giving the whole team the same insight and facilitating collaboration on reported issues. Performance metrics can be tabulated per test case, making it a breeze to evaluate changes between builds.

Optional CI integration allows for automated collection of detected issues and performance metrics into your existing CI pipeline.

For projects that require high confidence levels and/or regulatory compliance, Percepio Detect and Tracealyzer can be used in tandem, providing two independent profiling tools—while Tracealyzer relies on event tracing and host-side analysis, Percepio Detect monitoring runs on the device and calculates its metrics in real-time, independently from the event tracing.

When combined with DevAlert cloud-based observability, you get a third layer of assurance in the stability and efficiency of your RTOS-based systems.

Key highlights

  • Get comprehensive debugging data, even on production hardware without debug ports
  • Reduce debugging time by up to 90%
  • Profile your system over unlimited time
  • Detect hidden stability issues through smart anomaly detection
  • Supports team collaboration and CI/CT integration
  • Private on-prem server for full control over data
  • Licensed per seat or per installation

Percepio Detect provides monitoring and a shared dashboard with debug data access for team collaboration.

Verify, Detect, Resolve—Release with Confidence

Developing RTOS-based embedded software brings inherent multithreading risks that may cause elusive stability issues. These issues may remain undetected despite extensive testing, code reviews and static analysis, as they are not apparent in the source code. They only surface as intermittent errors, often in late stages of testing where they become notoriously difficult to reproduce and debug.

By monitoring key performance metrics in runtime, Percepio Detect identifies multithreading risks that may cause intermittent errors under slightly different circumstances. This could be, for example, potential deadlocks and near misses related to software timing or resource usage. You will always notice when a watchdog timer times out, but what you really need to find out is how often you are running close to the watchdog limit.

Percepio Detect monitoring can be included in your regular integration testing to find multithreading risks early and with minimal effort.

Continuous Observability Provided by Percepio

Percepio Detect forms an integral part of the Percepio systematic process and tools portfolio for Continuous Observability. Continuous observability enables product teams to collect and share diagnostic device data in an automated, systematic manner, customizable to suit the needs of each team and stakeholder.

DevAlert logo

Continous Observability with Percepio DevAlert

Percepio also provides a cloud-connected solution for continuous observability in field testing and in deployment, Percepio DevAlert. This includes Tracealyzer support as well as remote debugging support on source-code level, for example on hard fault exceptions. Using Detect during internal testing and QA allows you to later enable DevAlert at deployment with a minimum of effort.​

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