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Percepio Tracealyzer is the premier trace visualization tool for developers of RTOS- or Linux based embedded software systems. This software is licensed as single-user or multi-user subscriptions.

You will receive a quote directly from Percepio or, if we have a distributor in your country, from that distributor.

Percepio cares about your privacy and will only use the email address you supply here to follow up on your request. As stated, this means that we may share it with one of our distributors. Please see Percepio’s privacy policy for further information.

Our Products

Percepio® is the leading provider of visual trace diagnostics and observability solutions for embedded and IoT software systems in development and in the field.


Percepio® Tracealyzer combines software tracing with powerful visualizations, allowing users to spot and analyze issues in software recordings during development and testing.

Learn more about Tracealyzer


Percepio® Detect provides systematic visibility into runtime behavior and system health during testing and QA, and supports CI/CT integration as well as field test monitoring.

Learn more about Detect


Percepio® DevAlert is a cloud-connected monitoring framework for OEMs developing RTOS device software, providing instant insight on bugs and anomalies.

Learn more about DevAlert