Activating a License Key
When you have received your license key, open or restart Tracealyzer, so you see the initial welcome screen.
Start the license activation wizard (Figure 1) by selecting Activate License. This option may be called Enter License Key in older versions of Tracealyzer.
Typically, on a computer with internet connection, choose “Online activation”. This requires that you are running Tracealyzer v4.2.2 or later.
If your computer is not connected to internet, or you have an older version of Tracealyzer, select “Offline activation” instead.
The third option, “Set License Server (PercepioLM)” is for floating network licenses and assumes that a license server has been set up. Contact for further information.
Figure 1. Activation wizard
Online activation
On the online activation page (Figure 2), enter the provided license key and click “Activate”. Tracealyzer will now restart with the license installed. Done!
Note: Online activation is no longer available for older Tracealyzer versions, prior to v4.2.2. If you are using an older version, please update to the latest version or use Offline Activation (see below).
Figure 2. Online activation
Offline activation
If you selected offline activation, a new menu is shown on the next page (Figure 3). Start by selecting “Create License Request File”.
On the following page (Figure 4), enter your license key and specify a file name for your license request file. Click “Create”.
You now have a Licence Request file. Transfer this to a computer with internet connection and email it to
We will then activate the license for you and send a license file in return. Transfer this file to your Tracealyzer computer and install the license by selecting “Activate your product using a License File” in the offline activation menu (Figure 3).
On the following page (Figure 5), specify your license file and select “Activate”. Done!
Offline activation for multiple computers
You may perform offline activation for multiple computers with a single License Request file. In that case, first generate a License Request file for the first computer (Figure 4) and save it to a network drive or USB stick. For each additional computer, select “Append your information to existing License Request File”, specify your License Request file and select “Append”. Note that the file is in XML format, so you can read it to see which computers that have been included.
Finally send the resulting file to In return, you get a license file for all licensed computers. Save the the license file to a network drive or USB stick, and use it to activate each licensed computer (“Activate your product using a License File”). Done!
Figure 3. Offline activation menu
Figure 4. Offline activation – generate License Request file
Figure 5. Offline activation – activate license file