Media Kit

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Johan Kraft, Percepio CEO

Dr. Johan Kraft, Percepio CTO and founder


Percepio: Sensing Software

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Tracealyzer Snapshot Trace

Tracealyzer Snapshot

DevAlert Flowchart

Architecture of Percepio DevAlert. Also available in PDF.

Press Releases

Tracealyzer 4 Now Supports VxWorks

Tracealyzer 4 Now Supports VxWorks

Percepio announces Tracealyzer 4 support for VxWorks, a new addition to the long list of already supported real-time operating systems including Amazon FreeRTOS, Keil RTX5, Micrium µC/OS-III, SafeRTOS, and OpenRTOS.

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Tracealyzer v3.0

Tracealyzer v3.0

Percepio AB, the Swedish developer of RTOS visualization tools, today announced the availability of Tracealyzer v3.0, initially supporting FreeRTOS and SEGGER embOS.

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