Percepio announces Tracealyzer Support for Synopsys’ ARC EV6x Embedded Vision Processors

Oct 26, 2018 |

Västerås, Sweden, 26th October 2018    * * *   Percepio, the leader in software trace visualization for embedded systems and IoT, announces a collaboration with Synopsys, providing interoperability between Percepio’s Tracealyzer and Synopsys’ DesignWare® ARC® Metaware EV Development Toolkit, an integrated programming environment that accelerates OpenVX and AI application software development for ARC EV6x Embedded Vision Processors.

“Developing advanced embedded vision and AI applications in an efficient manner requires the ability to rapidly debug, validate and optimize software,” said John Koeter, vice president of marketing for IP at Synopsys. “With Percepio’s Tracealyzer visualization tool, designers using Synopsys’ ARC EV6x processors can observe the real-time behavior of their software, accelerating development cycles and enabling highly optimized deep learning SoCs.”

“By providing Tracealyzer support for the state-of-the-art DesignWare EV6x Embedded Vision processors, Percepio sees great potential in bringing advanced trace visualization to AI and embedded vision developers. Developers need visualization to optimize their applications for maximum performance, very important for real-time vision applications such as ADAS and self-driving vehicles. We are pleased to be collaborating with Synopsys to fill this need for software developers,” says Johan Kraft, CEO of Percepio.

Percepio Tracealyzer is most suitable for visualizing the processing of OpenVX applications on Synopsys EV6x processors, due to its extensive visualization capability and options for user customization. Tracealyzer offers great flexibility in displaying various types of information like multi-core scheduling, core utilization, execution times as well as user-defined diagnostics.

Support for the Synopsys EV6x processor family is included in Tracealyzer version 4.2.4, now available for download at Download Tracealyzer. Tracealyzer for OpenVX comes with a free 30-day evaluation license; commercial licenses are available through Percepio’s network of distributors. Users can visit the Percepio Partner page, or send a mail to, to find a distributor in their area.

The full press release is available here.


Percepio CEO Johan Kraft:

Tracealyzer for OpenVX Overview

Caption: The trace view (left) displays a timeline of the OpenVX graph execution on the available cores and accelerators, while the CPU Load graphs show how much the processor cores are utilized.

Percepio Contact:
Mike Skrtic
+46 76 003 0080

Media Contact:
Monika Cunnington

+31 617 840 559