Tracealyzer 4 Now Supports VxWorks

Dec 12, 2018 |

Västerås, Sweden, 12th December 2018    * * *   Percepio, the leader in software trace visualization for embedded systems and IoT, announces Tracealyzer 4 support for VxWorks, in addition to the long list of already supported real-time operating systems; among others Amazon FreeRTOS, Keil RTX5, Micrium µC/OS-III, SafeRTOS, and OpenRTOS.

“Support for VxWorks is close to our hearts here at Percepio, as the very first Tracealyzer was created for VxWorks back in 2004. Therefore, we are proud to be able to offer VxWorks users the latest and greatest update to Tracealyzer today,” says Dr. Johan Kraft, CEO of Percepio.

The initial Tracealyzer was developed in collaboration with industry giant ABB Robotics, who used – and still uses – VxWorks, whereas today’s Tracealyzer has grown to support a multitude of RTOSes and hardware platforms.

Software logic analyzer

Developers using VxWorks 5.5 or later can now benefit from the many new features in Tracealyzer 4, such as a completely redesigned, modern GUI and user-defined analysis which allows you to visualize important intervals and states – much like a logic analyzer for software. The integration with VxWorks’ built-in trace recorder has not changed, so existing customers can easily upgrade by contacting or their nearest Percepio distributor. Upgrade prices start at USD 495 / EUR 395.

The support for VxWorks was introduced in Tracealyzer 4.2.8, available for download and evaluation at

The full press release is available here.

Percepio Contact:
Mike Skrtic
+46 76 003 0080

Media Contact:
Monika Cunnington

+31 617 840 559