Running Tracealyzer 4 on Linux hosts

Mar 14, 2022 |

Note: For Tracealyzer 4.9.0 and later please refer to the new guide. This guide is for Tracealyzer version 4.8.2 and older.

To run Tracealyzer 4 on Linux, the first thing you will need to install is Mono. For most distributions there’s a package called “mono-complete”, though some distributions and package systems may instead use simply “mono”. There may be additional requirements, in particular for Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora based systems.

Note that Mono 6.8 is known to cause issues. Make sure to check your mono version by typing “mono -V”. We strongly recommend to use the latest Mono version (6.12 or newer) available from the mono-project repository.

You find instructions for Ubuntu and Debian distributions at The instructions for Ubuntu 20 have been used successfully also for Ubuntu 22.

To install the latest Mono on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora, the following steps have been used:

yum -y update
yum install -y yum-utils
yum-config-manager –add-repo
yum clean all
yum makecache
yum install -y mono-complete libXScrnSaver

Once installed, you will need to unpack the Tracealyzer tarball into a suitable location (replace <version> to match the archive filename).

$ tar xvf Tracealyzer-<version>-linux64.tgz

Read RunningOnLinux.txt in the Tracealyzer installation folder. This contains additional steps needed for some distributions.

To run Tracealyzer, use the script.

$ cd Tracealyzer-<version>-linux64
$ ./

Note that Tracealyzer is currently only available for 64-bit Linux.

In case you have problems getting started, please contact


By default, Tracealyzer 4 on Linux will install the license for the current user. If the machine is shared between multiple users, it may be desireable to install the license machine wide instead. To do so, copy License.xml (node locked license) or LMConfig.xml (floating license) from ~/.config/Tracealyzer Data to /usr/share/Tracealyzer Data.

If you have questions about Tracealyzer licensing, please contact

SEGGER J-Link support

To use the built-in support for SEGGER J-Link debuggers, you’ll first need to download and install the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack from SEGGER’s website. When starting Tracealyzer, the default path to SEGGER J-Link debugger libraries is included (/opt/SEGGER/JLink). If Tracealyzer still fails to find it, you may also need to create a link to in your Tracealyzer application directory.

$ ln -s /path/to/JLink_Linux_<version>/ /path/to/Tracealyzer-<version>-linux64/