Percepio announces the immediate availability of Tracealyzer version 4.9—the latest update to its flagship observability tool for embedded software.
Percepio Tracealyzer v4.9: le migliorie per utenti Linux
Jul 19, 2024
Tracealyzer 4.9 brings improved support for LynxOS-178®, the standards-based RTOS for safety-critical real-time applications from Lynx Software Technologies.
Running Tracealyzer on Linux
May 24, 2024
Learn how to install and run Percepio Tracealyzer v4.9 and later on Linux hosts.
Se traccio, verifico
Sep 6, 2023
Multithreading has many advantages over single-threaded systems, but it can increase software complexity and make it more difficult to verify.
The Importance of Runtime Observability
Aug 28, 2023
Traditional verification methods like code review, static analysis and functional testing are necessary but not sufficient
to fully verify multi-threaded embedded software.
Aufdecken potentieller Risiken
Aug 24, 2023
Multithreaded architecture offers many advantages for developers, but it may also make the software more complicated and make system verification difficult.
New features in Tracealyzer 4.7
Mar 7, 2023
Tracealyzer® version 4.7 in now available for download and evaluation. This is a big feature update with several new capabilities and major improvements. Observability for any C/C++ software: Percepio’s TraceRecorder library can now be used with any C/C++ software...
Running Tracealyzer 4 on Linux hosts
Mar 14, 2022
Learn how to run Tracealyzer 4 on Linux, with requirements and notes on common Linux distributions.
Using Tracealyzer to Evaluate Python Algorithms in Linux
Jun 3, 2021
In this blog post, we will see how Tracealyzer can be used to quickly and efficiently evaluate multiple implementations of an algorithm in Python, a language that is becoming more common in embedded application development as most machine learning frameworks are implemented in Python.
Understanding the impact of compiler options on performance
May 27, 2021
In this post, we’re going to understand how the combination of LTTng and Tracealyzer can shine light on how compiler options impact performance. The method discussed can come in handy whenever we are evaluating the performance of multiple candidate implementations of a particular feature.
Using Tracealyzer for Linux To Evaluate Userspace Performance
Apr 5, 2021
In this blog post, we’re going to demonstrate how to create LTTng tracepoints and how to use Tracealyzer for Linux to measure certain metrics based on these tracepoints.
Evaluating Linux System Performance Using Tracealyzer
Jan 11, 2021
When developing an application that’s targeting a Linux-based system, it is important to configure our system to maximize performance, because misconfiguration can limit application performance.
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