Percepio Team

Meet Percepio Device Firmware Monitor

Percepio has announced Percepio Device Firmware Monitor (DFM), a ground-breaking new cloud service for IoT product organizations that provides awareness of missed bugs and speeds up resolution.

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Tracealyzer On the Race Track – Revolve

Tracealyzer On the Race Track – Revolve

Percepio sponsor several Formula Student Racing Car teams with Tracealyzer licenses. Today, we have caught up with team Revolve from Trondheim, Norway, to hear about their thoughts, and their experiences with Tracealyzer.

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Tracealyzer On the Race Track – Running Snail

Tracealyzer On the Race Track – Running Snail

Percepio sponsor several Formula Student Racing Car teams with Tracealyzer licenses. We caught up with three of them and thought we’d share their thoughts, and their experiences with Tracealyzer. Here is the first team. Running Snail from Germany.

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Tracing TCP Sockets in FreeRTOS

With the release of Tracealyzer 4.2.9 we added the ability to trace your application with recorder extensions. This post gives an overview of this new capability.

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Tracealyzer 4 Now Supports VxWorks

On December 6, Percepio released version 4.2.8 of  Tracealyzer, with support for Wind River VxWorks. VxWorks users can now take advantage of the new features in Tracealyzer 4, the largest update ever to our flagship application.

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Tracealyzer 4 Now Supports VxWorks

Tracealyzer 4 Now Supports VxWorks

Percepio announces Tracealyzer 4 support for VxWorks, a new addition to the long list of already supported real-time operating systems including Amazon FreeRTOS, Keil RTX5, Micrium µC/OS-III, SafeRTOS, and OpenRTOS.

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Tracing adaptive applications for IoT end devices

Tracing adaptive applications for IoT end devices

Tiny sensor devices are key elements in IoT systems, and they need to be as energy efficient as possible. Roberto Rodriguez-Zurrunero has successfully used Tracealyzer in his research to both minimise energy consumption and fine-tune timing.

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