Marketing Videos & Presentations

An introduction to Percepio’s observation tools for embedded software developers, Tracealyzer and DevAlert.

Watch here (37 mins) or download the mp4.

DevAlert introduction (3:30 min). Watch here or download the mp4.

Tracealyzer teaser (4 min). Watch here or download the mp4.

Continuous Software Improvement PPTX cover
Using Trace Diagnostics PPTX Cover

Unfortunately we cannot show the full presentations as they are the property of the IoT Online organisers, but you can download Powerpoint slides and speaker notes (which basically contain the entire script) by clicking on the slide pics above.

You can also download PDF versions, much smaller but without the speaker notes.
Continuous Software Improvement | Visual Trace Diagnostics

Tracealyzer 4 demo video

Download (39 Mbyte)

Tracealyzer 4 on Amazon FreeRTOS and NXP LPC54018

Download (26 Mbyte). You can also read the accompanying AWS blog posts for more details.

Trace Visualization for Efficient Debugging of Embedded Systems – by Johan Kraft

Source code alone does not present the full picture of an embedded application. To capture the dynamic behaviour and interaction between application code and hardware, one needs to be able to see what is happening during runtime. Software tracing is a technology that allows developers to do just that.

Download PowerPoint (30 Mbyte), PDF (16 Mbyte)

Benefits of Tracealyzer versus Trace Compass

A comparison between Tracealyzer v4.3.5 and the open source tool Trace Compass v5.

Download PowerPoint (2 Mbyte), PDF (2 Mbyte)

Logos, Images, & Testimonials

Tracealyzer Connected Views

Tracealyzer 4: Connected Views

DevAlert Flowchart

DevAlert flowchart

Tracealyzer 4.2: New trace view

Tracealyzer 4.2: New trace view

Percepio Logos for Print

Percepio Logos for Print

Percepio Logos for Web

Percepio Logos for Web

DevAlert logos for Web & Print

DevAlert logos for Web & Print

Tracealyzer 4.4 for Linux

Tracealyzer 4.4 for Linux

Percepio Rollup

Percepio rollup 2017



This is a collection of partner and customer quotes/endorsements for Tracealyzer and DevAlert that we have the right to use in marketing.

Brochures & Other Stuff

Tracealyzer Product Brochure

Tracealyzer product brochure: Download (4 pages pdf)

RTOS 101 Cover

RTOS 101 explains fundamental RTOS concepts, such as tasks, priority-based scheduling, queues, semaphores and mutexes, and provides examples of how Tracealyzer can be used to understand such issues.

Tracealyzer Hands On

Tracealyzer Hands On, a selection of our Hands On blogposts as a downloadable PDF.

Tracealyzer for OpenVX cover

A two-page PDF handout about Tracealyzer for OpenVX, from Embedded Vision Summit 2019.

Percepio DevAlert Brochure Cover

A four-page brochure about Percepio DevAlert, from Embedded World 2020.

Tracealyzer Support for Linux Brochure Cover

A flyer about the upcoming Linux support in Tracealyzer, from Embedded World 2020.

Top Five Bugs cover

Some common RTOS development bugs, and how Percepio Tracealyzer can assist you with fixing them.

DevAlert Brochure Cover

A sales brochure (2 pages) for DevAlert, December 2020.

Our Products

Percepio® is the leading provider of visual trace diagnostics for embedded and IoT software systems in development and in the field.


Percepio® Tracealyzer combines software tracing with powerful visualizations, allowing users to spot and analyze issues in software recordings during development and testing.

Learn more about Tracealyzer


Percepio® DevAlert is a cloud-connected monitoring framework for OEMs developing RTOS device software, providing instant insight on bugs and anomalies.

Learn more about DevAlert

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