Tracealyzer streaming over ARM ITM with Lauterbach µTrace

Apr 16, 2021 |

ITM trace view

Good news! Read the new Percepio Application Note PA-033 to learn how to leverage the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) support using a Lauterbach TRACE32/µTrace debugger for visual trace diagnostics and analysis in Tracealyzer.

Support for ITM tracing of ARM Cortex-M3, M4 and M7 MCUs has been available in Tracealyzer since version 4.1. It currently works with FreeRTOS, SAFERTOS, and Micrium µC/OS-III, and support is planned for Azure RTOS ThreadX as well.

ITM allows for high data rates and low tracing overhead, in particular when it is combined with a fast Lauterbach debug probe. Moreover, unlike some other streaming solutions we support in Tracealyzer, ITM tracing does not require a RAM buffer.

Support for other Lauterbach debug probes and hardware trace data is planned to follow later this year. The TRACE32 command scripts (.cmm) mentioned in the Application Note can be downloaded here.