Multithreaded architecture offers many advantages for developers, but it may also make the software more complicated and make system verification difficult.
Observability for FreeRTOS with Tracealyzer and DevAlert
Aug 16, 2023
A trace is a low-level logging mechanism that can be used to interpret a system state during execution. Analyzing traces for microcontroller-based applications using FreeRTOS can save embedded engineers significant time and energy.
Three key factors in choosing a real-time operating system
Aug 3, 2023
Licensing models, source code modification constraints, and industry certification are the top business considerations when choosing an RTOS. And these three influence each other.
Tracealyzer ha aggiunto la profilazione per applicazioni automotive
Mar 30, 2023
Italian coverage of Tracealyzer v4.7.
New features in Tracealyzer 4.7
Mar 7, 2023
Tracealyzer® version 4.7 in now available for download and evaluation. This is a big feature update with several new capabilities and major improvements. Observability for any C/C++ software: Percepio’s TraceRecorder library can now be used with any C/C++ software...
Runtime Insights: Azure RTOS ThreadX Streaming Trace
Nov 3, 2022
Percepio FAE Kristoffer Martinsson covers what is needed for using Tracealyzer with Azure RTOS ThreadX and runs a live demo.
Runtime Insights: Verify Task Timing and Scheduling
Nov 3, 2022
Percepio FAE Kristoffer Martinsson discusses different ways you can use Tracealyzer to verify task timing and scheduling.
Runtime Insights: Tracing Zephyr RTOS
Nov 3, 2022
Percepio FAE Kristoffer Martinsson presents the Zephyr RTOS support in Percepio Tracealyzer. Tracealyzer support is easily accessible as a configuration option when setting up a Zephyr project.
Runtime Insights: User Events in Tracealyzer
Nov 3, 2022
Analyze an application’s runtime behavior using User Events in Percepio Tracealyzer.
Tracealyzer Demo
Oct 27, 2022
A brief (2 minutes) introduction to Percepio Tracealyzer
RTOS Tracing, your way
Oct 5, 2022
The Tracealyzer recorder for FreeRTOS, SafeRTOS or Micrium µC/OS can be configured to stream the trace data via any interface you might have available. If you have designed your own custom stream port but are having problems getting a reliable transfer or sufficient throughput, there are several things you can try.
RTOS 101: Semaphores and Queues
Aug 11, 2022
Using an RTOS, or considering to? Learn about semaphores, mutexes and queues, and how you can visualize task interactions with Tracealyzer.
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