Lennart Bonnevier

Introducing Tracealyzer SDK for Custom Integrations

Introducing Tracealyzer SDK for Custom Integrations

Percepio Tracealyzer is available for many popular real-time operating systems (RTOS), including FreeRTOS, Zephyr, and Azure RTOS ThreadX, and also for Linux. But if you want to use it for an unsupported RTOS, you’ve been out of luck—until now.

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Efficiently Tracing Zephyr Syscalls

Efficiently Tracing Zephyr Syscalls

Using Tracealyzer to view applications running on Zephyr RTOS comes with a special challenge: unlike some other microcontroller-oriented real-time operating systems, Zephyr exposes its kernel services via a syscall layer.

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Improving the Reliability of the Internet of Things

The Top Five Bugs

Learn how to detect and fix these common bugs: CPU starvation, jitter, priority inversion, deadlock, and memory leaks.

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Serious Developers Care About Their Tools

Serious Developers Care About Their Tools

A recent Embedded Survey by Aspencore (May 2023) shows that “Good software tools” is one of the most important aspects of an embedded developer’s work environment. ThreadX and PX5 founder Bill Lamie agrees.

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Se traccio, verifico

Se traccio, verifico

Multithreading has many advantages over single-threaded systems, but it can increase software complexity and make it more difficult to verify.

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