Lennart Bonnevier

Aufdecken potentieller Risiken

Aufdecken potentieller Risiken

Multithreaded architecture offers many advantages for developers, but it may also make the software more complicated and make system verification difficult.

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Percepio gears up with new CEO

Percepio gears up with new CEO

Percepio has appointed Adrian Leufvén as new CEO starting 2022-12-01. Mr. Leufvén has 25 years of experience from Enea, a publicly traded telecom software company, where he reached the position of Senior Vice President.

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Runtime Insights: Tracing Zephyr RTOS

Runtime Insights: Tracing Zephyr RTOS

Percepio FAE Kristoffer Martinsson presents the Zephyr RTOS support in Percepio Tracealyzer. Tracealyzer support is easily accessible as a configuration option when setting up a Zephyr project.

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