Wind River has a major announcement today about Wind River Linux – and Percepio Tracealyzer is ready to help you debug and improve your WR Linux applications.
Blog – The RTOS Debug Portal
Embedded World News: Tracealyzer for Linux, DevAlert
Jan 21, 2020
At this year’s Embedded World trade show, Percepio will show an updated Tracealyzer for embedded Linux, and also release Percepio DevAlert 1.0.
On printf debugging
Jan 9, 2020
Notes on the limitations of printf debugging.
Goodbye Walter Banks, Byte Craft founder
Dec 13, 2019
Walter Banks, an important figure in our embedded industry, died earlier this week. He was the founder of Byte Craft, a company that made C compilers for many earl 8-bit MCUs.
New White Paper: What makes RTOS development so hard?
Nov 25, 2019
Developing with an RTOS can make it easier to design complex applications, but while an RTOS reduces the complexity of the application source code, it does not reduce the inherent complexity of the application itself.
Boost your development skills with Percepio
Nov 4, 2019
Sometimes you need to step away from the daily grind and set aside time to study the patterns and structures that make up an embedded application. To meet that need, Percepio now offers two online courses in embedded development with a real-time operating system.
Using J-Link RTT Streaming
Oct 25, 2019
A checklist for addressing issues when streaming Tracealyzer traces from an RTOS is often via a SEGGER J-Link debug probe, using the RTT feature.
Get A Good Start With These Tracealyzer Example Projects
Aug 22, 2019
Over time, Percepio has built up a collection of Tracealyzer example projects and today we are releasing them to the public.
RTOS Debugging: Everybody wants the fork
Jul 30, 2019
A clear indication that you may have a deadlock problem is when multiple tasks suddenly stop executing, although no higher priority tasks are running.
RTOS debugging: Chasing the jitter bug
Jul 9, 2019
When you have a task in your system that is supposed to execute at regular intervals, say for instance that it needs to read a sensor value every 5 milliseconds, then you have a system that is sensitive to random delays – also known as .jitter.
RTOS debugging: When the CPU has too much on its hands
Jul 3, 2019
In embedded systems using multitasking, you may run into a situation where some of your tasks run slowly or not at all. This is called task starvation (the affected tasks are starved of CPU time) and it can happen for a number of reasons.
RTOS debugging: Dealing with timing issues
Jun 25, 2019
There is no doubt a learning curve when you begin using a real-time operating system (RTOS) in your development. Timing, scheduling et cetera will affect your code in ways that are not directly visible in the source code.
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