Blog – The RTOS Debug Portal

Trace in Space: Self-Assembling Telescopes

Trace in Space: Self-Assembling Telescopes

One of the many free academic licenses for Tracealyzer that Percepio has handed out this year went to Charles Sommer, research engineer on the AAReST project at Caltech in Pasadena, California. AAReST aims to construct a telescope that can be sent up in space in pieces and then assemble itself in orbit.

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Linux Support Coming to Tracealyzer 4

Linux Support Coming to Tracealyzer 4

We have good news for the growing crowd of embedded Linux developers: the next step on the Tracealyzer 4 roadmap is proper support for Linux tracing, complete with live visualization and many other great features.

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How Many Bugs Do You Miss?

How Many Bugs Do You Miss?

Computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra once said, “Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence”. No matter how much developers test their software, they just cannot prove that there are no bugs left.

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Tracealyzer 4 Support for ThreadX

Tracealyzer 4 Support for ThreadX

Users of Express Logic ThreadX can now upgrade to Tracealyzer 4 and benefit from many of the new features we have been adding to the product over the last year.

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Meet Percepio Device Firmware Monitor

Percepio has announced Percepio Device Firmware Monitor (DFM), a ground-breaking new cloud service for IoT product organizations that provides awareness of missed bugs and speeds up resolution.

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Tracealyzer On the Race Track – Revolve

Tracealyzer On the Race Track – Revolve

Percepio sponsor several Formula Student Racing Car teams with Tracealyzer licenses. Today, we have caught up with team Revolve from Trondheim, Norway, to hear about their thoughts, and their experiences with Tracealyzer.

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Tracealyzer On the Race Track – Running Snail

Tracealyzer On the Race Track – Running Snail

Percepio sponsor several Formula Student Racing Car teams with Tracealyzer licenses. We caught up with three of them and thought we’d share their thoughts, and their experiences with Tracealyzer. Here is the first team. Running Snail from Germany.

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Tracing adaptive applications for IoT end devices

Tracing adaptive applications for IoT end devices

Tiny sensor devices are key elements in IoT systems, and they need to be as energy efficient as possible. Roberto Rodriguez-Zurrunero has successfully used Tracealyzer in his research to both minimise energy consumption and fine-tune timing.

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Tuning Your Custom Trace Streaming for Maximum Throughput

Tuning Your Custom Trace Streaming for Maximum Throughput

The Tracealyzer recorder for FreeRTOS, SafeRTOS or Micrium µC/OS can be configured to stream the trace data via any interface you might have available. If you have designed your own custom stream port but are having problems getting a reliable transfer or sufficient throughput, there are several things you can try.

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