A checklist for addressing issues when streaming Tracealyzer traces from an RTOS is often via a SEGGER J-Link debug probe, using the RTT feature.
Tracealyzer News
RTOS Debugging: Everybody wants the fork
Jul 30, 2019
A clear indication that you may have a deadlock problem is when multiple tasks suddenly stop executing, although no higher priority tasks are running.
Tracealyzer 4 Support for ThreadX
Feb 21, 2019
Users of Express Logic ThreadX can now upgrade to Tracealyzer 4 and benefit from many of the new features we have been adding to the product over the last year.
Tracing TCP Sockets in FreeRTOS
Jan 10, 2019
With the release of Tracealyzer 4.2.9 we added the ability to trace your application with recorder extensions. This post gives an overview of this new capability.
Tracealyzer 4 Now Supports VxWorks
Dec 13, 2018
On December 6, Percepio released version 4.2.8 of Tracealyzer, with support for Wind River VxWorks. VxWorks users can now take advantage of the new features in Tracealyzer 4, the largest update ever to our flagship application.
Trace streaming over TCP/IP on Xilinx Zynq
Nov 13, 2018
We set out to build a Tracealyzer demo application for the Xilinx development kit ZC702, based on FreeRTOS and lwIP, with live trace streaming over Ethernet. Here’s what we learned.
Tuning Your Custom Trace Streaming for Maximum Throughput
Oct 11, 2018
The Tracealyzer recorder for FreeRTOS, SafeRTOS or Micrium µC/OS can be configured to stream the trace data via any interface you might have available. If you have designed your own custom stream port but are having problems getting a reliable transfer or sufficient throughput, there are several things you can try.
Version 4.1.5 adds IAR streaming support
Jul 4, 2018
Percepio announces Tracealyzer 4.1.5, bringing trace streaming support for IAR Embedded Workbench, allowing IAR users to fully benefit from the powerful capabilities of Tracealyzer 4 using IAR I-Jet probes.
Tracealyzer streaming over ARM ITM using ULINKpro/ULINKplus
May 4, 2018
As of version 4.1 (just released) Tracealyzer supports ITM tracing for ARM Cortex-M3, M4 and M7 MCUs.
Analyzing huge traces with Tracealyzer 4
Jan 18, 2018
Tracealyzer 4 brings several major improvements, including practical ability to analyze huge traces, spanning many hours, days or even weeks.
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