RTOS debugging: When the CPU has too much on its hands

In embedded systems using multitasking, you may run into a situation where some of your tasks run slowly or not at all. This is called task starvation (the affected tasks are starved of CPU time) and it can happen for a number of reasons.

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RTOS debugging: Dealing with timing issues

There is no doubt a learning curve when you begin using a real-time operating system (RTOS) in your development. Timing, scheduling et cetera will affect your code in ways that are not directly visible in the source code.

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New Webinar: Mastering RTOS Debugging Techniques

New Webinar: Mastering RTOS Debugging Techniques

In this webinar, attendees will become familiar with the latest techniques and tools necessary to debug their code, such as properly sizing thread stacks, using event viewers and discovering issues such as priority inversions, deadlock and thread starvation.

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