We just released Tracealyzer version 4.5.1. Users with a current support contract can upgrade from within the application, or by going to the update page and download the right binary for their platform.

The big news in version 4.5.1 is that we have implemented major stability and rendering improvements for Tracealyzer running on Linux hosts. In addition to that, we have improvements for

  •  J-Link: added option to disable or specify J-Link log file and added an option to specify a script to run before connection, which may be needed for specific targets
  • PSF Streaming: added option to disable multi-threading in the parser, doing this may fix an intermittent memory buildup issue on Linux hosts
  • VxWorks: added option to toggle the dummy actor behavior on IntExitK events
  • The recorder now handles kernel objects with null names better. It also includes two fixes specific to µC/OS-III.