
How To Use AUTOSAR Runnables With Tracealyzer

How To Use AUTOSAR Runnables With Tracealyzer

Tracing of AUTOSAR runnables is a fairly new feature in Percepio Tracealyzer, added in v4.7.0. One of our automotive customers needed this feature to simplify ISO 26262 certification of their Electronic Control Unit (ECU) software. Runnable tracing is applicable to all kind of embedded applications, though.

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Introducing Tracealyzer SDK for Custom Integrations

Introducing Tracealyzer SDK for Custom Integrations

Percepio Tracealyzer is available for many popular real-time operating systems (RTOS), including FreeRTOS, Zephyr, and Azure RTOS ThreadX, and also for Linux. But if you want to use it for an unsupported RTOS, you’ve been out of luck—until now.

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Prepare for a soft landing

Prepare for a soft landing

Swiss student rocket team ARIS from Zürich leverages visual trace diagnostics to smooth the trajectory of its autonomous rocket recovery system.

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