Blog – The RTOS Debug Portal

RTOS Tracing, your way

RTOS Tracing, your way

The Tracealyzer recorder for FreeRTOS, SafeRTOS or Micrium µC/OS can be configured to stream the trace data via any interface you might have available. If you have designed your own custom stream port but are having problems getting a reliable transfer or sufficient throughput, there are several things you can try.

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Tracealyzer v4.6.5 Is Out

Tracealyzer 4.6 Is Out

We have released Tracealyzer version 4.6 with a new, modular trace recorder library, and major improvements in the support for Zephyr and ThreadX.

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Tracealyzer v4.6.5 Is Out

Percepio Joins the Zephyr Project

In recognition of the potential of Zephyr to become the leading independent platform for small IoT devices, Percepio has joined the Zephyr Project as a Silver level sponsoring member.

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Tracealyzer v4.6.5 Is Out

Video: All the News In Tracealyzer 4.5

Two weeks ago we released version 4.5 of Percepio Tracealyzer with a lot of new features in it. Now you can watch Percepio FAE Kristoffer Martinsson as he presents the new features in this video.

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