
5 Steps to Speed Multithreaded Embedded Software Development

5 Steps to Speed Multithreaded Embedded Software Development

Your organization can get to market faster with higher-quality products when given better insight into the “dark side of the code”—the actual behavior of the full software system. Intended and actual behavior may differ in myriad ways that are not apparent from the source code.

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Verifying Task Timing and Scheduling

Verifying Task Timing and Scheduling

Quite a few embedded software developers don’t know whether their applications meet their timing requirements. In today’s Tracealyzer Hands On post, we will explore how to use Tracealyzer to verify task timing and scheduling.

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Identifying Memory Leaks Through Tracing

Identifying Memory Leaks Through Tracing

Have you ever seen your embedded system behave strangely and had that sinking feeling that you might have a memory leak? Tracealyzer offers several different methods to detect memory leaks.

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Analyzing State Machines

Analyzing State Machines

In the previous Hands On post we introduced the concept of intervals, which is the time between any two events and can be added to the timeline. In this post, we will take the interval one step further and see how we can use Tracealyzer to monitor state machines.

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