Blog – The RTOS Debug Portal

Welcome to a first look at Tracealyzer 4

Welcome to a first look at Tracealyzer 4

A completely revamped user interface and a much improved live view are two of the most prominent features of the upcoming Tracealyzer 4, which we showed for the first time at Arm TechCon.

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The Running Snail car team is back for another season

The Running Snail car team is back for another season

Percepio sponsor several Formula Student Racing Car teams with Tracealyzer licenses. We caught up with three of them and thought we’d share their thoughts, and their experiences with Tracealyzer. Here is the first team. Running Snail from Germany.

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New Webinar: Mastering RTOS Debugging Techniques

New Webinar: Mastering RTOS Debugging Techniques

In this webinar, attendees will become familiar with the latest techniques and tools necessary to debug their code, such as properly sizing thread stacks, using event viewers and discovering issues such as priority inversions, deadlock and thread starvation.

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