Blog – The RTOS Debug Portal

Analyzing State Machines

Analyzing State Machines

In the previous Hands On post we introduced the concept of intervals, which is the time between any two events and can be added to the timeline. In this post, we will take the interval one step further and see how we can use Tracealyzer to monitor state machines.

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Analyzing State Machines, Part 2

Analyzing State Machines, Part 2

In this post, we visualise the custom interval and state machine information available in Tracealyzer and explore how we can use it to better understand our application.

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Customizing the Trace Visualization

Customizing the Trace Visualization

Within Tracealyzer’s trace view, tasks, events and state machines are now organized into view fields, collections of tasks, intervals or events. In this post, we are going to examine how you can use those views to simplify working with Tracealyzer.

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Looking at Mutex Usage

Looking at Mutex Usage

We have had a few customers asking us if they can use Tracealyzer to detect when a task holds two mutexes at the same time. The answer is yes, there are in fact several ways you can do this.

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Using Tracealyzer With a Yocto-based Linux Distribution

Using Tracealyzer With a Yocto-based Linux Distribution

While there are mechanisms native to the Linux kernel to ensure that the functionality of a custom-written driver is correct, evaluating performance is not straightforward. Here’s how you can use Tracealyzer for Linux to assess the performance and identify any deficiencies.

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AWS Security for DevAlert

AWS Security for DevAlert

Our new cloud service for IoT device error reporting, Percepio DevAlert, has been designed from the beginning with security in mind.

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